

Project Manager and Senior Researcher at Questionmark Foundation

Deborah is a project manager and researcher with over a decade of experience in analysing and comparing sustainability, health, and social welfare practices within the supermarket industry. Her extensive work in this field has made significant contributions to understanding and promoting best practices for environmental and social responsibility in retail food environments.

My Session

My Sessions

Virtual New Food Conference, 
New Food Conference Cologne, 
Virtual New Food Invest, 
Breakout Session
4:15 pm
6:00 pm
Consultation seminar for German retailers - Superlist Environment Germany
With Superlist Environment Germany, think tank Questionmark will research and benchmark environmental sustainability performances of German supermarkets. During the seminar for retailers only Questionmark will introduce Superlist Environment and the research method. All the supermarkets will be given the opportunity to ask clarifying questions about the research indicators. In addition to the supermarkets, the project partners Albert Schweitzer Foundation, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Madre Brava, and ProVeg will also be in attendance.
Virtual New Food Invest, 
Virtual New Food Conference, 
New Food Conference Cologne, 
Virtual New Food Invest, 
Virtual New Food Conference, 
New Food Conference Cologne, 
Virtual New Food Invest, 
Virtual New Food Conference, 
New Food Conference Cologne, 